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Digital Marketing Strategies for Tax Lawyers

By Marc Apple   ●    July 24, 2024   ●   4 min read

Attorney Alyssa Whatley

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TL:DR Alyssa Maloof Whatley partnered with Forward Push to improve online presence, resulting in more traffic and client conversions. Key lessons: focus on web presence, SEO, content marketing, and use specialized marketing agencies.

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The Law Offices of Alyssa Maloof Whatley, located in Atlanta, Georgia, helps those seeking legal advice when the IRS or State tax agencies contact them. With a strong commitment to providing personalized and effective legal solutions for their clients, standing out among the larger tax law firms was seen as difficult.

Meeting Their Clients Where They Are

While the attorneys at The Law Offices of Alyssa Maloof Whatley are distinguished by a deep understanding of the intricacies of tax laws and regulations, Alyssa and her colleagues were faced with an altogether different challenge: how to create an online presence that communicates the firm’s services to the social media generation.

Alyssa’s firm partnered with Forward Push to elevate her practice’s web presence and client acquisition strategies.

Several key pain points were identified:

1. Limited Digital Presence: Alyssa’s existing website was not fully optimized for search engines and lacked the engaging content needed to attract potential clients.

2. Brand Visibility: There was a clear need for a cohesive branding strategy to highlight her expertise and the unique value she offers her clients.

3. Client Acquisition: Alyssa needed effective strategies to attract and convert new clients, ensuring a steady growth of her practice.

How Social Media Can Get You Clients

The first step in the firm’s transformation was recognizing the need for a marketing agency that understands the importance of a tailored approach.

Smiling woman wearing scarf sitting on gray couch

So when she decided to partner with Forward Push, we developed a multi-faceted marketing strategy that addressed her firm’s specific needs.

It started with the goal of creating a highly engaging website. To do so, Forward Push implemented a website redesign strategy that focused on incorporating videos, testimonials, and TikTok-style content.

This approach combined a much-needed boost in engagement, while also incorporating the trust-building qualities of client testimonials.

Marketing Success Highlights

The partnership with Forward Push has had impressive results for the law firm. Here are some of the key achievements:

1. Increased Website Traffic: The redesigned website and SEO-optimized content significantly increased organic traffic. Visitors found the site more engaging and informative, leading to longer visit durations and lower bounce rates.

2. Higher Client Conversions: The targeted social media ad campaigns and engaging website content led to a higher conversion rate. More visitors were reaching out for consultations and ultimately becoming clients.

3. Enhanced Online Visibility: The active social media presence and regular content updates boosted the firm’s online visibility. Alyssa’s law firm became more recognizable and supported her already great reputation.

4. Improved Client Engagement: Clients and potential clients found the content valuable and relevant. The engaging blog posts and social media interactions helped build trust and foster a strong relationship with her audience.

What Other Tax Lawyers Can Learn From The Law Offices of Alyssa Maloof Whatley

Law firm marketing can be incredibly challenging. For the Law Offices of Alyssa Whatley, it required some creative thinking on how to get the firm to truly stand out from the crowd.

The case study of Alyssa Whatley’s practice highlights a number of key lessons that can help other attorneys looking for marketing strategies to grow their client base.

A Strong Web Presence is Vital

A well-designed website is the cornerstone of any successful law firm marketing strategy. It serves as the first impression most potential clients have of your law firm.

But a great website is only the first step.

SEO is also vital for improving your site’s visibility in search engine results. Important law firm SEO strategies include keyword research to identify and target relevant keywords that potential clients are likely to use when searching for your legal services.

On-page SEO involves optimizing individual pages on your website by incorporating targeted keywords in titles, headings, meta descriptions, and content.

Content Marketing Offers Long-Term Benefits

Regularly publishing informative and relevant content is an effective way to engage with potential clients and showcase your expertise. It also pays dividends in the long run by addressing key questions prospective clients will be searching for in the years to come.

Social Media Engagement Raises Your Profile

An well planned out tax law firm social media strategy can significantly enhance online visibility and engagement, leading to better client relationships and brand recognition.

Social media advertising can also significantly enhance your law firm’s visibility and reach. Using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn to create targeted ads that reach specific demographics, interests, and locations relevant to your law firm can be highly effective.

Video Marketing is Worth Your Time

It’s worth taking the time to create valuable video content. It helps you connect with potential clients on a more personal level.

Creating educational videos that explain complex legal concepts in an easy-to-understand manner helps potential clients feel more informed and confident in your expertise.

It’s Worth Partnering with the Best Legal Marketing Agency

You have your hands full running a successful law firm. It can be overwhelming trying to manage your marketing needs in-house. Partnering with a marketing and advertising agency that specializes in working with tax lawyers, like Forward Push, can provide the expertise, resources and insights needed to effectively market your legal services.

If you would like to have me and my team personally review your online marketing strategy, show you where there is room for improvement and how we can work together to make this your best year ever, then schedule your free consultation now.

Marc Apple - Forward Push Law Firm Marketing
Article By

Marc Apple

Marc Apple is the founder of Forward Push, an Inc. 5000 award winning marketing and advertising agency that helps law firms with creative, research-driven strategies. Known for solving marketing challenges and boosting client count and revenue, Marc offers tailored solutions for every firm. Reach out to discuss how his expertise can transform your marketing, or simply chat about music and BBQ.