By Marc Apple ● ● 2 min read

Table of Contents
TL;DR On the Counsel to Counsel podcast, Marc Apple from Forward Push Law Firm Marketing discusses legal marketing fundamentals with attorney Stephen Seckler, focusing on the importance of a robust website, positive testimonials, and multimedia marketing tools like blogs, videos, and podcasts to effectively reach and engage potential clients.
The Conversation
Everyone knows you need a mix of strategies to effectively market your law practice. But do you know which ones are right for you and how to find the right mix? And how do you know what you can handle on your own and what you need to outsource?
In this episode, Marc and Stephen sit down to get down to the heart of the matter.
Start With A Hardworking Website
So what does Marc think is the best place for lawyers to start when they are thinking about digital marketing?
“First place is the foundation—it’s going to be the website. That’s where everything happens.”
A great website is the beginning and endpoint of every successful legal marketing strategy.
The process for Forward Push Law Firm Marketing starts by looking at a lawyer’s existing website, figuring out how to improve it, and from there, building traffic back to this important hub using a range of digital marketing strategies.
Reviews And Testimonials
Stephen asks something that’s on a lot of lawyers’ minds these days: “How important are testimonials?”
Website testimonials and reviews in places like Google My Business are very important because for most people, it is how they assess a prospective attorney.
You want to have lots of reviews with a very positive bent and a high star rating overall.
“If you can capture them right away with that, then having a great website, you can get the conversions to get someone to call or fill out a form.”
Employ Multimedia Marketing Tools
Are blogs still important? Yes, according to Marc, but with every lawyer blogging on similar topics, there’s a lot of competition.
“There are a lot of other things going on a website that Google is looking for. So blogs are important, you just gotta make sure you have everything else buttoned up, as well.”
It’s important to try to reach a wide audience with your legal content, and you have to consider different ways to reach them.
Not everyone is going to read a 1500-word page—some may prefer to watch a 1-minute video, or look at an infographic or check out a podcast.
That’s why Marc says you need to have complete website pages and content with something for everyone in terms of text, video, audio and graphics.
Google selects for content like that and so do website users.
Want to learn more about social media for lawyers and what law firm marketing you should and should not try to do on your own?
Listen to the whole podcast to find out what social media strategies Marc recommends, what aspects of marketing require expert help and get lots of inside tips on what works and what doesn’t.
It’s a deep dive on everything you wanted to know about law firm marketing in the new digital age.